im writing a short story collection
ive started writing a short story collection, and i wanted to explain my reasoning and why its the right time for me to embark on a project like this.
im close to graduating college and going off into the real world to work a job and earn money. the period from now until april is the last chance i have to fully throw most of my free time at a newer hobby and see where it takes me.
my substack was started as an experiment to pick back up on my love for writing, and from there it ballooned into jobs, fulltime crypto, and a bunch of other commitments on top of school. in the past id experiment with writing short stories or screenplays, but its been a while since then.
a lot of my recent free time has gone towards reading more fiction, and ive decided that if so many others can do it, why cant i? i dont believe that writing good fiction is something that can be taught, so its now or never for me to put my writing to the test.
im working on a few stories pretty seriously and have plans to start a few more once these are fully completed and ready for first reviews and editing.
ive recently been inspired by continuing to read through the work of tao lin, through my enjoyment of madeline cash's short story collection titled 'earth angel' and the following books:
jpod by douglas copeland
slow learner by thomas pynchon
cat's cradle by kurt vonnegut
if im able to write maybe 5-6 quality stories that are unique and decently well formatted, id like to self publish some physical copies and hand them out around campus or give them away at a bookstore near me. id also like to get them published on some websites for free and hope from there more people will support my entrance into writing fiction.
if anyone reading this post is an avid reader of fiction, or just wants to give me an extra set of eyes, please DM me and ill send you a link to the google doc.